財務委員會組織及會議程序 (中英全文 以供參考)
Passed by the First Council on 25th Feb 2012
1. The
Finance Committee (the Committee) is a standing committee of the Council of Jelly
Bean Society Limited (the Council) established under Article 39 (a)(b)(c) and
(d) of the Article of Association. The functions of the Committee are those
conferred upon the Committee by Article 42 of the Article of Association. Its
functions include -
39. The functions of the Council shall be:-
a. to
formulate and decide the annual plan and budget of the Association;
b. to
decide all the administrative and financial policies of the Association;
c. to
formulate the development programme of the Association;
d. to
decide the structure of the various functional sub-committees and appoint
members of such sub-committees;
42. The Council may delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of
such member or members as the Council thinks fit; and the committee so formed
shall, in exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations
that may be imposed by the Council.
1. 財務委員會(下稱「委員會」)是紅豆會有限公司幹事會(下稱「幹事會」)屬下一個常設委員會並根據組織章程細則第39 (a)(b)(c) 及(d)條1而成立。委員會的職能為根據組織章程細則第42條2所授予的職能。該委員會的職能包括:-
1 根據組織章程細則第39條,幹事會的職能應是:
a. 制定財政預算;
b. 决定所有行政及財務政策;
c. 制定會務發展計劃;
d. 設立不同之工作小組及委任幹事分掌推廣有關工作;
2 根據組織章程細則第42條,當幹事會認為有需要時,幹事會可將其任何權力,轉授予有一名或多名幹事作為成員的委員會。該委員會在行使權力時,須遵從執委會對該委員會的指示及規定。
examining the Estimates of Expenditure presented by the Chairman of the
Council (the Chairman) in accordance with Article 39 (a) of the Article of
(a) 審核由幹事會主席根據組織章程細則第39 (a)條交付予委員會的開支預算案;
approving proposals to change the approved Estimates of Expenditure presented
by the Treasurer in accordance with Article 39 (a) of the Article of
Association; and
(b) 核准修改業經核准開支預算的建議,而有關的修改建議1是由司庫根據組織章程細則第39 (a)條的規定而提出的;及
1 當開支預算案項目超過規定或計劃的支出;尤其是突發性的支出,而該項支出超越幹事會財務自決權限時,或個別之財務援助要求而幹事會不便自行處理時,必須交由委員會獨立審議,彰顯監督功能。
reviewing financial statements as the Committee shall from time to time think
(c) 委員會可因應職能需要,索閱不同之財務報表。
2. The
Committee comprises four Members of the Council other than the Chairman and
three representatives assigned by The AHNH Renal Unit who shall have rights
to vote in the Committee meetings. Members shall hold office until the
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the next term of Council
are respectively elected in that next term of Council.
2. 委員會的委員包括除幹事會主席外的四名幹事1及由雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院腎科委派可擁有投票權的三名代表2。委員任期直至下一屆幹事會的財務委員會正、副主席在該下一屆幹事會分別選出為止3。
1 四名幹事可自行報名參加或經內會選舉產生。
2 三名代表由「腎科」委派。
3 財務委員會每一秒也在運作,沒有真空期。
Chairman and Deputy Chairman
3. The
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee shall be elected by and from
among its members at the first meeting and shall hold office until the
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the next term of Council
are respectively elected in that next term of Council. In the event of the
temporary absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, the Committee may
elect a chairman to act during such absence.
3. 財務委員會的正副主席由委員會委員在首次會議上互選產生,任期直至下一屆幹事會的財務委員會正副主席在該下一屆幹事會分別選出為止1。如主席及副主席暫時缺席,委員會可在其缺席期間另選一名委員代行主席之職。
1 財務委員會每一秒也在運作中,沒有真空期。
4. The
procedure for the election of the Chairman is as follows:
4. 選舉主席的程序如下:
(a) Where
the election takes place at the first meeting of the Finance Committee in a
term, the member present who has the highest precedence (in alphabetical
order) shall preside at the election. If he/she is being nominated for the
office, the member present who has the highest precedence among the members
not nominated for the office shall preside.
(a) 如選舉在每屆任期的財務委員會首次會議上舉行,出席委員中排名最先者(依英文字母序)須主持選舉1。如他/她獲提名候選主席一職,在未獲提名的出席委員中排名最先者須主持選舉。
1 選舉在公開、公平、公正下進行。
(b) At
any other election of chairman, the member who was the Chairman of the
Finance Committee before the election shall preside at the election. If he/she
is absent or is being nominated for the office, the member who was Deputy
Chairman of the Finance Committee before the election shall preside. If both
members who were Chairman and Deputy Chairman before the election are absent
or are being nominated for the office, the member present who has the highest
precedence shall preside. If he/she is being nominated for the office, the
member present who has the highest precedence among the members not nominated
for the office shall preside.
(b) 在其他任何一次的主席選舉中,在選舉前擔任財務委員會主席的委員須主持選舉。如他/她缺席或獲提名候選該職位,在選舉前擔任財務委員會副主席的委員須主持選舉。如該兩名在選舉前擔任正副主席的委員均缺席或獲提名候選該職位,出席的其他委員中排名最先者須主持選舉。如他/她獲提名候選該職位,在未獲提名的出席委員中排名最先者須主持選舉。
(c) At
the start of the election, the presiding member shall call for nominations
for the chairmanship. A valid nomination shall be made orally by a member,
seconded by at least one other member who should not be the member being
nominated, and accepted by the member being nominated. A member who nominates
an absent member for the office is required to state that the absent member's
acceptance of the nomination has been secured.
(c) 在選舉開始時,主持選舉的委員須即席邀請委員提名委員會主席一職的人選。有效的提名須由一名委員口頭作出,由最少另外一名未獲提名的委員口頭附議,並為獲提名的委員接納。委員倘提名缺席的委員候選該職位,必須表明已獲得該名缺席委員接受提名。
(d) If
the presiding member is being nominated for the office, he/she shall be
replaced in accordance with (a) or (b) above, as appropriate, unless
otherwise decided by the Committee.
(d) 如主持選舉的委員獲提名候選主席一職,除非委員會另有決定,否則須按上文第(a)段或第(b)段所述,由其他委員代替他/她主持選舉。
(e) If
there is only one nomination, the presiding member shall declare the nominee
elected as Chairman.
(e) 如只有一項提名,則主持選舉的委員須宣布該名候選人當選為委員會主席。
(f) If
there are two or more nominations, the presiding member shall announce a vote
by secret ballot and shall order the Secretary to distribute a ballot paper
to each of the members present, including the presiding member. After all the
members present who wish to vote have done so, the Secretary shall count the
ballot papers in front of all the members present and report the result to
the presiding member who shall check the result for confirmation. The
presiding member shall declare elected as Chairman the nominee who receives
the highest number of valid votes among all the nominees. If two or more
nominees receive the same highest number of valid votes, the presiding member
shall then and shall forthwith declare that nominee elected as Chairman.
(f) 如有兩項或更多提名,則主持選舉的委員須宣布以不記名的方式進行投票,並指示委員會秘書發給每名出席會議的委員(包括主持選舉的委員)一張選票。所有出席會議並有意投票的委員投票後,委員會秘書須在全體出席會議的委員面前點算選票,並向主持選舉的委員報告點票結果;該名主持選舉的委員須核對點票結果,予以確認。主持選舉的委員須宣布各候選人之中獲最高有效票數的一名候選人當選為委員會主席。如兩名或以上候選人獲得相同的最高有效票數,則主持選舉的委員須投決定性的一票,並隨即宣布該名候選人當選為委員會主席。
5. The
procedure for the election of the Deputy Chairman is as follows:
5. 選舉副主席的程序如下:
(a) The
Chairman of the Finance Committee shall preside at the election of the Deputy
Chairman. If the Chairman is absent, the member present who has the highest
precedence shall preside at the election. If he/she is being nominated for
the office, the member present who has the highest precedence among the
members not nominated for the office shall preside. The election procedure in
paragraph 4(c) to (f) above then follows.
(a) 財務委員會主席須主持副主席的選舉。如主席缺席,則由出席委員中排名最先者主持選舉1。如他/她獲提名候選副主席一職,在未獲提名的出席委員中排名最先者須主持選舉。隨後按照上文第4(c)至(f)段載述的選舉程序進行選舉。
1 選舉在公開、公平、公正下進行。
Secretary to the Finance Committee
6. The
Secretary shall attend the meetings of the Committee, keep a record of the
proceedings of the Committee, and distribute a copy thereof to each member.
The record is kept in the form of minutes, recording the members attending,
the gist of proceedings and the decisions taken. Where the Chairman, with the
agreement of the Committee, determines that a verbatim record is necessary
for the whole or any part of a meeting, the Secretary shall make arrangements
for the production of such a record. The Secretary will not normally clear
the records of proceedings with the Council or other persons except in
respect of such part of a record which relates to statements made by the
Council or such other persons.
6. 秘書1須列席委員會會議,製備委員會會議紀錄,以及把紀錄分發與各委員。會議紀錄是以紀要的形式製備,記錄出席委員的姓名、議事程序的摘要及所作出的決定。如主席在委員會同意下,決定有需要提供整個會議或會議的任何部分的逐字紀錄本,秘書便須安排製備該份紀錄。秘書通常不會把會議紀錄送交幹事會或其他人士核正,惟記錄幹事會或該等其他人士所發表意見的該部分則屬例外。
1 可以聘請非會員出任、挑選熱心會員義務出任或推選委員出任,一切由委員會議決。若屬僱傭性質,須按僱傭條例(香港法例第57章)行事。若屬義務性質,(新一屆)委員會可議決其去留。
2 委員會會議討論涉及紅豆會財務安排與撥款決策事宜,為保證委員能夠安心暢所欲言,表達他們的意見,乃至保障他們的投票意向私隱,免除後顧之憂,有謂「講錢失感情」,所以必須遵守類似「保密制度和集體負責制」,不會把會議紀錄送交幹事會或其他人士確定;此乃委員會會議有效運作的重要元素。
7. The
Secretary is responsible for the publication of the reports of the Committee.
7. 秘書負責編印委員會的報告書。
Counsel to the Finance Committee
8. The
Legal Adviser of the Council is the Counsel to the Committee. He/She advises
the Chairman and the Secretary on all legal matters in relation to the
business and administration of the Committee.
8. 幹事會法律顧問擔任委員會的法律顧問。他/她就所有與委員會的事務或行政有關的法律事宜,向主席及秘書提供意見。
9. The
Committee meets at the time and the place determined by the Chairman. The Secretary
shall inform members and the Council accordingly. The Chairman may decide to
convene special meetings to consider urgent items.
9. 委員會須在主席決定的日期、時間及地點舉行會議。秘書須將會議日期告知委員及幹事會。主席可決定召開特別會議處理緊急事宜。
10. The
Secretary shall give members written notice of every meeting at least five
clear days before the day of the meeting but shorter notice may be given in
any case where the Chairman so directs. Any items on the agenda scheduled for
discussion but not dealt with at the meeting will be carried over to the next
meeting or, if the Chairman decides, to a special meeting.
10. 秘書須在會議日期最少5整天前,將會議的書面預告發給各委員,但主席可視個別情況指示給予較短時間的預告。任何文件如列入議程以供討論但又未能在有關會議中審議完畢,會在下次會議繼續審議,或按主席決定召開特別會議繼續審議。
11. The
Chairman or, if he/she is not available, the Deputy Chairman, shall chair
committee meetings. If neither of them is present within 15 minutes of the
time appointed for a meeting or if both of them have notified the Secretary
that they will not be present at the meeting, the members present shall elect
one from among themselves to chair the meeting. If the Chairman decides that he/she
is unable to act for a particular item, or if so decided by the Committee,
the Deputy Chairman shall chair the meeting for that particular item. If both
of them decide that they are unable to act, or if so decided by the
Committee, the members present shall elect one from among themselves to chair
the meeting for that item.
11. 委員會會議由委員會主席主持,倘他/她未能出席,則由副主席主持。若在指定的開會時間過後15分鐘內,他們仍未到達會場,或他們已通知秘書不會出席會議,則與會的委員須互選一人主持會議。如主席決定其本人未能在討論某一事項時主持會議,或委員會決定他/她不能負責這項工作,則副主席須就該事項主持會議。如上述兩人均決定未能主持會議,或委員會決定他們不能負責該項工作,則與會的委員須互選一人,在討論該事項時主持會議。
12. The
Chairman and four members shall form a quorum. The meeting will not be held
unless a quorum is present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the
12. 委員會的會議法定人數為主席加上4名委員1。除非在指定的開會時間過後15分鐘內,出席者達至會議法定人數,否則會議將不會舉行。
1 主席+4名委員=法定人數5人。主席或任何主持會議的其他委員不得參與表決,但如在其他委員的贊成者及反對者數目相等的情況下,他/她有權作決定性表決。
13. If
the attention of the Chairman during a meeting is drawn to the fact that a
quorum is not present, he/she shall direct the members to wait. If after 15
minutes have expired and a quorum is still not present, he/she shall adjourn
the meeting without questions put.
13. 如出席會議的委員不足法定人數,而有人向委員會主席提出此事,委員會主席即須指示等候委員到場。如15分鐘後仍不足法定人數,委員會主席即無須付諸表決而宣佈休會待續。
14. The
Chairman shall ensure that a quorum is present before he/she orders the
Committee to proceed to making a decision.
14. 委員會主席在指示委員會就一項建議作出決定前,必須確定當時出席會議的人數是達到足夠的法定人數。
Practice and Procedure of the Committee
15. The
Committee shall determine its own practice and procedure
15. 委員會可自行決定本身的行事方式及程序。
Consideration by Circulation
16. Where the Chairman so orders, any matter for the decision of the
Committee may be considered by circulation of papers to the members of the
Committee and each member may signify his/her approval in writing submitted
to the Chairman. If a majority of the members so signify before the expiry of
the period specified by the Chairman for the purpose, and if upon expiry of
that period no member has (in writing submitted to the Chairman) signified
disapproval of the matter or requested that the matter be referred for
decision at a meeting of the Committee, it shall be deemed to be approved by
the Committee.
16. 委員會主席可命令任何須由委員會決定的事宜,藉傳閱文件方式1,交由各委員研究,而委員亦可以書面向主席示明其批准。如過半數委員在主席為此目的而指定的限期屆滿前已明示其批准,同時在限期屆滿時並無委員以書面向主席表示反對,或要求將該事宜交由委員會開會決定,則該事宜須當作已獲委員會批准。
1 針對難以安排法定人數開會之困局。
Order in Committee
1 無規矩焉能成方圓?仍須循規蹈矩!
17. The
Chairman’s decision on a point of order shall be final.
17. 主席在會議規程問題上所作決定為最終決定。
18. The
Chairman, after having called the attention of the Committee to the conduct
of a member who persists in irrelevance or tedious repetition of his/her own
or other members' arguments in the discussion, may direct him/her to
discontinue his/her speech.
18. 主席如發覺有委員在討論時不斷提出無關的事宜,或冗贅煩厭地重提本身或其他委員的論點,於向委員會指出該委員的行為後,可指示該委員不得繼續發言。
19. A
member may not interrupt another member except :
19. 委員不得打斷其他委員的發言:
(a) on a
point of order which he/she wishes to bring to notice for the Chairman's
decision; or
(a) 除非要求就規程問題發言並指出其認為應注意的問題,並將該問題交由主席決定;或
(b) to
seek elucidation on some matters raised by that member in the course of
discussion, if the member speaking is willing to give way and the Chairman
(b) 除非要求澄清正在發言的委員在討論中提出的某項事宜,而正在發言的委員願意退讓,且主席又同意該議員插言。
20. A member may address the Committee orally in Cantonese or English.
All Committee papers are in either Chinese or English.
20. 委員在委員會會議上可用粵語或英語發言。委員會的所有文件均可以中或英文製備。
Manner at Meetings
Members should raise their hands to signify that they wish to speak.
21. 委員如有意發言,應舉手示意。
During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being
put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view on
the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly
related to the agenda item and agreed by a majority of members that it should
be proceeded forthwith. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should
be presented in written form. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to
the motion, if any, in a joint debate.
22. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案須獲主席認為與該議程項目直接相關,並獲過半數委員同意應立即予以處理。任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。
Rules of Speaking
23. A member when speaking on a proposal in the
Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further
proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall
propose the question on the motion to adjourn. A member, when speaking on the
question, may not speak more than once and shall not make a speech for longer
than any time period as decided by the Committee, or where no such decision
has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member
indicates his/her intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall
forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision.
No member may speak on the question after it has been put.
23. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中止某項議程文件的討論或委員會現即休會的議案,屆時主席須提出該中止待續議案的待議議題。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次,發言的時間亦不得超過委員會所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得就該議題發言。
24. After
the Chairman calls a meeting to order, he/she normally deals first with the
business left over from a previous meeting, if any. The Chairman then gives a
brief summary of each item and introduces the persons at the meeting
responsible for answering questions on the item, if any. Members then discuss
the item or put questions to the persons responsible for answering them.
24. 主席宣布會議開始後,通常首先會處理上一次會議未完成討論的事項(如有的話)。主席隨後會就每份文件作出簡介,並會介紹負責在會上解答有關文件問題的人士(如有的話)。各委員隨後會討論有關文件,或向負責解答問題的人士提出問題。
25. The
Committee makes decisions on all matters by a majority of the members present
and voting. Neither the Chairman nor any other member presiding shall vote,
unless the votes of the other members are equally divided, in which case he/she
shall have a casting vote.
25. 委員會對所有事項作出決定時,均須以出席會議而又參與表決的委員贊成及反對者的過半數意見為依歸。主席或任何主持會議的其他委員不得參與表決,但如在其他委員的贊成者及反對者數目相等的情況下,他/她有權作決定性表決。
Before putting an item to the vote, the Chairman shall ask members if they
have any further questions. When the Chairman puts a question to the
Committee for its decision he/she shall first call upon those members who are
in favour of the question to raise their hands and shall then call upon those
who are against the question to raise their hands. The Chairman shall then,
according to his/her judgement, state whether or not he/she thinks the
majority of the members present and voting are in favour of the question. If
no member challenges the statement, the Chairman shall declare the question
to have been so decided.
26. 主席在把議程項目提交會議表決前,須詢問委員是否有進一步提問。主席將待決議題交由委員會表決時,須先請贊成該議題的委員舉手,繼而請反對該議題的委員舉手。主席繼而須根據其判斷,說出其是否認為出席會議而又參與表決的委員的過半數贊成該議題。如無委員質疑主席的判斷,主席須宣布該議題就此決定。
Adverse Weather
Unless directed otherwise by the Chairman, all meetings shall be cancelled if
Storm Signal No. 8 or Rainstorm Black Warning is hoisted and/or remains in
force two hours before the appointed time of the meeting. If Storm Signal No.
8 is hoisted while a meeting is in progress, the Chairman should adjourn the
meeting. In the case of a Rainstorm Black Warning, the Chairman should decide
whether to adjourn or continue with the meeting.
27. 倘在指定開會時間兩小時前懸掛8號烈風或暴風信號,或發出黑色暴雨警告,及/或有關警告信號仍在生效,所有會議均會取消,除非主席另有指示,則屬例外。如會議進行期間懸掛8號烈風或暴風信號,主席應宣布休會待續。如屬黑色暴雨警告,主席須決定是否休會待續或繼續舉行會議。