2013年10月6日 星期日

組織章程細則 組織章程大綱



If there is any ambiguity of the interpretation of English and Chinese, English will prevail.



Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital




1. The name of the Company is " JELLY BEAN SOCIETY LIMITED (紅豆會有限公司)" (hereinafter referred to as "the Association").

1. 公司的名稱是〝紅豆會有限公司〞(JELLY BEAN SOCIETY LIMITED) (下稱本會)

2. The registered office of the Association will be situated in Hong Kong.

2.      本會的註冊地址將位於香港。

3. The objects for which the Association is established are :

3. 本會設立的宗旨:

(a) For relief of sickness, to encourage mutual support and rehabilitation of renal patients.

(a) 緩解疾病,鼓勵腎友互相扶持,尋求康復治療。

(b) In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, to educate, promote the health and improve well-being of patients with hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplant.

(b) 教育及改善接受血液透析、腹膜透析或腎臟移植的腎友的健康和福祉。

(c) In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, to support the related needs of those family members, relatives and friends who care for renal patients.

(c) 支援照顧腎友的家人、親屬及朋友的相關需要。

4. In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Association may exercise the following powers:

4. 為促進本會成立的宗旨,本會可行使以下權力:

(a) To enhance, assist and participate in such activities as the Association may think fit for the social welfare of renal patients.

(a) 增加、協助和參與本會認為適合為腎友謀求福祉的活動。

(b)   Subject to Clause 6 hereof, to engage, hire and employ persons considered necessary for the objects of the Association and to pay them and to other persons in return for services rendered to the Association salaries, wages, gratuities and pensions.

(b) 根據本會組織章程大綱第條規定,聘用本會認為必要的人士,並支付該等人士及其他人士薪金、日薪、約滿酬金和退休金以換取其對本會的服務。

(c)    To purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire in Hong Kong or elsewhere real or personal property or any rights or interests therein for effectuating any of its objects, and in particular any lands, houses, patents, concessions, copyrights, licences, stocks, material or property of any description and to work, use, sell, let, surrender, mortgage, charge, dispose of or otherwise deal with the same or any other property of the Association, including, in respect of any patent or patent rights belonging to the Association the grant of licences or authorities to any person, corporation, or company to work the same.

(c)    購買、租置、交換、租用從香港或從別處或以其他方式取得任何本會認為是必需或方便推行會務的任何權利或利益,特別是任何土地,房屋,專利,特許權,著作權,許可證,股票,材料或任何類別的財產和工作,使用,銷售,出租,售賣,按揭,抵押,處置或以其他方式處理本會的全部或任何部分財產,包括屬於本會的專利或專利權及授予任何人、企業或公司的執照或授權。

(d)   In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, to develop, improve and utilize any land within Hong Kong or elsewhere acquired by the Association, or in which the Association is interested, and lay out and prepare the same for building purposes, construct, alter, pull down, decorate, maintain, fit up and improve buildings, roads, and conveniences, and to plant, pave, drain, maintain, let on building lease or building agreement and such land and enter into contracts and agreements of all kinds with builders and tenants of and others interested in any such land.

(d)   為促進本會成立的宗旨,本會可開發、改善和運用在香港之內或從別處任何獲取得來的土地,或本會感興趣而籌劃作建築用途並可加以修建、修改、拆卸、裝飾、維修、安裝和改善建築物、道路、便利設施;本會亦可於該土地上種植、鋪設、排水、維修或以其他方式將該土地出租予建築商、承租人及其他有興趣人士。

(e)   To prepare, print and publish any non-profit making periodicals, books, circulars, leaflets or other literature for the promotion of the objects of the Association and to distribute among its members and others, information and statistics on all matters affecting the said objects, and in these or other activities undertake the duties of advertising and publicity agents.

(e) 編寫、印刷和出版任何非牟利期刊、圖書、通告、傳單或其他文獻作為促進促進本會成立的宗旨;並分發本會成立的宗旨發生作用的資料和統計資料予會員和其他人,而在這些或其他活動中本會承擔廣告和宣傳代理的職責

(f)    To enter into agreements with any government or authorities, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, and to obtain from any such government or authorities all rights, concessions and privileges those are conducive to the Association's objects or any of them.

(f) 與任何政府或當局、最高權力機構、市政府、地方政府或其他機構訂立協議;及獲得任何政府或當局的一切權利,優惠和特權而有助達成本會成立的宗旨。

(g)   To establish, promote, or assist in establishing or promoting, and to subscribe to, or become a member of, any other associations or clubs whose objects are similar or in part similar to the objects of the Association, or the establishment or promotion of which may further the objects of the Association and provided that such associations or clubs shall prohibit the distribution of their income and property amongst their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of Clause 6 hereof.

(g)   建立,促進,或協助建立或促進,以及加入,或成為任何其他協會或會社會員,而它們的宗旨是與本會宗旨相似或在部分相似,或建立或促進可以推進本會宗旨;但這些協會或社團應禁止其收入和財產分配給其成員,至少在某程度上是與本會組織章程大綱第六條條文的規定相同。

(h)   To support and subscribe to any charitable body, and any institution, society or club having objects similar to the Association provided that the charitable body, institution, society or club shall prohibit the distribution of its income and property amongst its members to an extend at least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of Clause 6 hereof, and subject to Clause 6 hereof, to give pensions, gratuities or charitable aid to any persons who have served the Association, or to the wife, widow, children or other relatives of any such person; to make payments towards insurance and to form and contribute to provident funds and welfare funds for any persons who serve the Association.

(h) 支持和加入與本會宗旨相似的任何慈善機構,機構,社團或會社;但這些協會或社團應禁止其收入和財產分配給其成員,至少在某程度上與本會組織章程大綱第六條條文的規定相同;並經本會組織章程大綱第六條條文的規定,給予退休金,酬金或慈善援助予任何人曾經服務協會,或其配偶,其子女或其他親屬;並為服務本會的任何人士支付保險費用,參加公積金及福利基金的供款。

(i)     To procure contributions to the Association and to accept donations, endowments and gifts of money, lands, hereditaments, stocks, funds, shares, securities and rebates, commissions and any other assets whatsoever and either subject or not subject to any special trusts or conditions.

(i) 為本會籌募捐款,並接受捐贈、捐贈基金和餽贈金錢、土地、可繼承股份、基金、股票、證券和回扣、佣金及任何其他資產,諸如此類,而受到或沒有受到任何特別信託或條件。

(j)     To invest and deal with the monies of the Association not immediately required, upon such securities and in a reasonable and prudent manner as may from time to time be determined by the Association.

(j)     由本會不時决定,以合理和審慎的方式,處理本會非即時需用的金錢並投資於證券上。

(k)    To receive money on deposit or loan and borrow or raise money in a reasonable and prudent manner as the Association shall think fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures, and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing by mortgage, charge or lien upon all or any of the property or assets of the company (both present and future), and also by a similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure and guarantee the performance by the Association.

(k) 接受以存款或借貸形式的金錢及本會認為適合時,以合理和審慎的態度借貸或籌募金錢,特別是發行債券;並確保償還以公司的部分或全部財產或資產(無論是現在和未來的)借貸、抵押、押記和留置權的金錢及透過類似的按揭,押記或留置權,以確保和保證本會的工作。

(l)     To open and operate banking account or accounts with any bank or banks for the object of the Association.

(l)     開立和使用銀行帳戶或任何銀行賬戶以達成本會成立的宗旨。

(m)  To repay or refund to persons who have advanced or subscribed money in connection with the promotion, formation and incorporation of the Association as aforesaid the amount of the money so advanced or subscribed by them.

(m) 償還或退回金錢予曾經預付或繳付費用於有關推廣、組成及立案成立本會的人士。

(n)   To establish branches, agencies and/or local boards in any place in Hong Kong and elsewhere abroad as the Association may from time to time think fit and the same to regulate, direct and discontinue, dispose of, or otherwise deal with as are expedient.

(n) 本會不時認為合適時,在香港及其他國外地區設立分支機構,機構和/或地方委員會;同樣地規範、指導和終止、處置或以其他權宜之計的方式處理。

(o)   To do all or any of the above things by or through agents or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others.

(o) 本會通過代理人或其他方式單獨或與他人一起執行以上的任何事項。

(q)   The powers set forth in the Seventh Schedule of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) are hereby excluded.


5.     The Association shall be a non-profit making and non-political body.

5. 本會為非牟利及非政治團體。

6. The income and property of the Association, whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association as set forth in this Memorandum of Association, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the members of the Association. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the Association or to any member of the Association not being a member of the Council or the governing body of the Association in return for any service actually rendered to the Association, nor prevent the payment of interest at a rate per year not exceeding 2% above the prime rate prescribed for the time being by The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited for Hong Kong dollar loans on money lent, or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let by any member to the Association but so that no member of the Council or the governing body of the Association shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Association or any office of the Association paid by fees and no remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth shall be given by the Association to any member of the Council or the governing body except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses and interest at abovementioned rate on money lent or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let.

6. 本會的收入及財產,不論何時取得,祇純粹用以促進本組織章程大綱所列出的宗旨。




(1) 向屬下任何職員或傭工,或不屬幹事會或管理機構的任何成員,支付合理及恰當的酬金,作為他們確實為本會提供服務的回報。

(2) 向借出金錢予本會的任何成員或幹事會或管理機構任何成員,支付利息,款額按年息率不超逾當其時香港匯豐銀行所訂定的最優惠利率另加不超過兩厘計算。

(3) 向幹事會或管理機構任何成員支付他們所墊付的開支。

(4) 向轉讓或出租物業予本會的任何成員或幹事會或管理機構任何成員,支付合理及恰當的租金

7.     The liability of the members is limited.

7. 本會會員的法律責任是有限的。

8.     Every member of the Association undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Association in the event of its being wound up while he is a member, or within one year after he ceases to be a member, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association contracted before he ceases to be a member, and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves, such amount as may be required, not exceeding ten Hong Kong dollars (HK$10).

8. 本會每名會員均承諾於本會在其作為會員期間或不再是會員之後一年內一旦清盤時,分擔提供不超過港幣拾元正的所需款額予作本會的資產,以用於償付本會在其仍為會員期間所訂約承擔的債項及債務,支付清盤的費用、收費和開支,以及用於調整分擔者彼此之間的權利。

9.     If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be given to some other institution or institutions, having objects similar to the objects of the Association, and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property amongst its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of Clause 6 above, such institution or institutions to be determined by the members of the Association at or before the time of dissolution and in default thereof by a Judge of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region having jurisdiction in regard to charitable funds and, if this provision cannot be effected, then to some charitable object.

9. 本會清盤經償還所有債務後,任何剩餘資產,不得分發予本會會員,而須給予或轉移給其他宗旨與本會相若的團體。若沒有適合團體,則須給予或轉移給其他造福香港市民為宗旨的慈善團體,惟該等團體的章程或會章須同樣禁止將其收入及資產分發給其會員或成員,程度上與本會組織章程大綱第六條相同。本會會員於本會解散時或之前,須决定此類團體,若會員未能就此作出决定,則由香港高等法院根據前列條件裁定。若前述條款執行後仍未能找到適合團體,剩餘資產須撥作慈善用途。

10.   True accounts shall be kept of the sums of money received and expended by the Association, and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditure take place, and of the property, credits and liabilities of the Association; and, subject to any reasonable restrictions as to the time and manner of inspecting the same that may be imposed in accordance with the regulations of the Association for time being in force, shall be open to the inspection of the members. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Association shall be examined and the correctness of the balance sheet ascertained by one or more properly qualified Auditor or Auditors.

10. 本會須就其收支狀況及詳情、財產、信貸及債務保存真實的帳目記錄;及根據本會現行附則就查閱的時間及方式所附加的任何合理規限,公開此等帳目予會員查閱。本會的帳目須每年最少查核一次,本會的資產負債表須由一名或以上符合資格的核數師予以確定。

We, the several persons, whose names, addresses and descriptions are hereto subscribed, are desirous of being formed into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association.


Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers:



If there is any ambiguity of the interpretation of English and Chinese, English will prevail.





1. In these articles unless there be something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith:

1. 在本組織章程細則中:

“The Association” means “JELLY BEAN SOCIETY LIMITED (紅豆會有限公司)”.


“Members” means members of the Association.


 “Council” or “Members of Council” means the Council for the time being entitled to hold office and act as the Members of Council of the Association whether permanent alternate or ordinary, or (as the context may require) the majority present and voting at a meeting of Council.

「幹事會」或「幹事會幹事」 是指當選並負責管理本會事務及正在擔任本會幹事會幹事職務的人士。

 “General Meeting” means a General Meeting of the Members of the Association whether Annual or Extraordinary.

「會員大會」 是指由本會妥為召開予會員參加的會議,不論是周年大會或特別大會或其延會。

“The Ordinance” means the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong revised edition.


“Regulations” means these Articles of Association and the rules and regulations of the Association from time to time in force.

「會章」 是指本會組織章程細則

 “The Seal” means the common seal of the Association.


 “In writing” means written, printed or lithographed or partly one and partly other, and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a visible form.


Words denoting masculine gender include feminine and neuter genders whether the context shall so admit and words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.




2. The number of members of the Association is declared not to exceed 1,000.00.

2. 本會擬登記的會員人數不超過1,000 人。

3. The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association and such other persons as the Members of Council shall admit to memberships shall be members of the Association.

3. 本會所有發起人及幹事會幹事可根據本組織章程細則通過接納其申請者皆可成為本會會員。

4. There are three classes of membership:-

4. 三類會籍:

a. Ordinary Member – Any renal failure patient of the Renal Unit of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital who is under the age of 18 is entitled to be registered as Ordinary Member.

a. 普通會員:任何大埔那打素醫院腎科腎友,齡在十八歲以下,均有資格申請成為普通會員。

b. Full Member – Any renal failure patient of the Renal Unit of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital who is over the age of 18 is entitled to apply for being registered as Full Member. A subscription fee of such sum as the Council shall prescribe from time to time for the application of being a Full Member shall be charged by the Society.

b. 正式會員:任何雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院腎科腎友,齡在十八歲或以上,均有資格申請成為正式會員,於填具會員登記表並繳付會章規定之會費後,便可成為正式會員。

c. Honorary Member – The Council may invite any person the Council thinks fit to serve the Society as Honorary Member.

c. 名譽會員:幹事會可邀請對本會有重大貢獻之人士出任名譽會員。

5. Application for membership shall be made on the prescribed application form signed by the applicant. Ordinary Membership is open to all juvenile renal failure patients of the Renal Unit of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, but application for Full Member shall be norminated by one Full Member and is subject to the approval of the Council who may at its discretion and without assigning any reason for its decision approve or refuse any such application. The decision of the Council shall be final.

5. 普通會員是讓所有雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院腎科的少年腎功能衰竭患者自由參加,但正式會員須經幹事會批核;幹事會可酌情處理其申請,亦可不提供任何决定批准或拒絕的理由。凡具有會員資格及願意遵守本會的組織章程大綱及細則者,由一位正式會員提名,於填妥會員登記表格,經幹事會通過並繳付會章規定之會費後,便可成為會員。幹事會的决定為最終决定。

6. The obligation of a member shall be as follows:-

6. 會員義務如下:

a.     To observe the regulations of the Association.

a. 遵守本會會章。

b.     To obey all resolutions of the Association.

b. 服從會員大會或特別會員大會之决議。

c.     To assist in the promotion and advancement of the objects of the Association.

c. 協助提升及促進本會設立的宗旨

d.     To pay the appropriate applicable membership subscription, to contribute to the expenditure of the Association and to participate in fund-raising campaigns for the promotion of the objects of the Association.

d. 繳納會費;贊助本會之經費及參加本會舉辦之籌款活動。

7. Ordinary Members and Honorary Members are neither eligible to vote in the general meetings of the Association nor be elected as Members of Council.

7. 普通會員和名譽會員一概不得享有投票權及參選權。

8. The rights and privileges of a member shall be personal to himself; they shall not be transferable by his own act or operation of law and shall cease upon his death or upon his ceasing from any cause to be a member under the provisions of these articles. Any person who shall by any means cease to be a member shall nevertheless remain liable for and shall pay to the Association all monies which at the time of his ceasing to be a member shall be due from him to the Association.

8. 本會會員的所有權利、福利及義務,均為私人所有,不得自行轉移或由他人繼承。任何會員如自動終止會籍,必須立即清繳應付未付的會費。

9. Members changing their place of residence or contact address shall give due notice to the Secretary and furnish him with an address to which notices and letters may be sent. All notices and letters sent by post or otherwise to such address (in default or notice of change of address) shall be considered as duly received by the members.

9. 本會會員遷居時,必須儘快向本會秘書更新登記地址。凡藉郵遞送交的通知,如載有該通知的信件已恰當註明收件人地址、預付郵資及已經郵寄,即當作已完成該通知的送達。

10. Any member may resign his membership by giving one month’s notice in writing to the Secretary of his intention so to do, and upon the expiration of such notice he shall cease to be a member.

10. 本會會員可隨時以不少於一個月前將退會要求,以書面形式通知本會秘書,通知期屆滿時,其會籍將會終止。

11. If any member shall wilfully refuse or neglect to comply with any of the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles or by-laws of the Association or shall be guilty of any conduct unworthy of a gentleman or likely be injurious to the Association as the case may be, such member shall be liable to expulsion by a resolution of the Council, provided that not less than seven days before the meeting at which such resolution is passed notice in writing shall be given by the Secretary to any such member of the intended resolution for his expulsion, and that he shall be entitled to give in writing an explanation or defence he may think fit. The Council shall have the absolute and unfettered discretion to accept or reject any such explanation or defence, and its decision to expel any member shall be final and conclusive. A member expelled under this article shall forfeit all rights in and claims upon the Association.
11. 任何會員違反或遵守本會組織章程、附則或會員之為妨礙本會發展或損害本會之益;經幹事會通過之决議或指示,本會秘書以少於七天提前書面通知會被考慮革除會籍。議决後本會秘書將用書面通知革除會籍由。該會員有權作出書面申辯,惟幹事會有權接受或拒絕其申辯。被革除會籍者再享有所有於本會的權



12. The membership subscriptions payable by members of the Association shall be such as the Council shall from time to time prescribe.

12. 會員入會費及以後須繳會費目由幹事會時規定。

13. Membership subscriptions are not refundable and must be paid in such manners as stipulated in these articles.

13. 會員必須以這樣方式繳交會費,會員已繳交之會費,概不退還。



14. There shall be an Annual General Meeting to be held once in every calendar year at such time (not being more than 15 months after the holding of the preceding Annual General Meeting) and place as may be prescribed by the Council, for the purpose of receiving the Annual Report, adopting the Statements of Account, and electing Members of Council and Auditors. Provided that so long as the Association holds its first annual general meeting within 18 months of its incorporation, it need not hold an annual general meeting in the year of its incorporation or in the following year.

14. 會員大會由幹事會决定召開的時間與地點,每年舉行一次,二次會議之間不能超過十五個月;第一次會員周年大會應在本會成立後十八個月內舉行。 在會員周年大會上所處理的事務,包括審議帳目、資產負債表、幹事與核數師的報告書,選舉幹事接替卸任幹事,委任核數師及釐定其酬金。

15. The Council may, whenever it thinks fit, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting and extraordinary general meetings shall also be convened on such requisition, or in default, may be convened by such requisitionists, as provided by Section 113 of the Ordinance. If at any time there are not within Hong Kong sufficient Members of Council capable of acting to form a quorum, any 2 Members of Council or any 10 Full Members of the Association may convene an extraordinary general meeting in the same manner as nearly as possible as that in which meetings may be convened by the Directors.

15.  幹事會按《公司條例》(32 ) 113 條文: 應請求書召開特別大會的規定,應會員請求書的請求,會長須立即妥為安排召開會員特別大會。倘若幹事會在香港沒有足夠幹事構成開會法定人數召開會員特別大會,則任何二位幹事會幹事或任何十位正式會員亦可召開會員特別大會,但須盡可能以接近董事召開會議的方式召開。



16. Subject to the provisions of Section 114 of the Ordinance relating to the annual general meeting and a meeting for the passing of special resolutions, a minimum of 21 days’ written notice of general meeting (exclusive of the day on which the notice is served or deemed to be served, but inclusive of the day for which notice is given) specifying the place, the day, and the hour of meeting and, in case of special business, the general nature of that business, shall be given. In the event of any general meeting which is not an annual general meeting or a meeting for the passing of a special resolution, a minimum of 14 day’s written notice with particulars as required hereinabove in this article shall be given.

16. 幹事會按《公司條例》(32 ) 114條文:召開會議的通知期的規定,周年會員大會須有為期最少二十一天的書面通知,為通過特別决議而召開的特別會員大會則須有不少於十四天的書面通知。通知期不包括送出日期及舉行會議之當日。會議通知書須列明開會的地點,日期及時間,如有特別事務,則須說明該事務的性質。

17. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by, any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting.

17. 由於意外情況,致令有些會員未能接獲通知,而沒有出席會議,該次會議所通過之議案仍屬有效。



18. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of Full Members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business; save as herein otherwise provided, 30 Full Members personally present shall be a quorum.

18. 除非會議開始直至會議結束時都維持足夠的法定人數出席,否則會員大會不可處理任何事務。除非會員大會另有其他决議,會議的法定人數為三十個或以上正式會員。

19. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting if convened upon the requisition of Full Members shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, 15 Full Members present shall be a quorum.

19. 如在指定的會議時間之後半小時,未足法定人數出席,而該會議是應會員聯名請求而召開的,該會議即須解散;如屬其他情況,該會議須延期至下星期的同一日在同一時間及地點舉行,或延期至主席所决定的其他日期,時間及地點舉行,如在指定的延會時間之後半小時,仍未足法定人數出席,則出席的十五名會員即構成法定人數。

20. The Council shall elect a Member of Council to act as chairman of the general meeting.

20. 幹事會可選出一名幹事出任周年大會會議主席。

21. The chairman of the general meeting may with the consent of the meeting at which a quorum is present (and shall if so directed by the meeting) adjourn any meeting from time to time and from place to place. No business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.

21. 主席在任何足法定人數出席的會議的同意下,可將該次會議未完成的事項延期至不同的時間及地點處理,但在任何延會上,除處理原來會議所未完成的事務外,不得處理其他事務。



22. Each Full Member will carry one vote at all general meeting.

22. 於會員大會,每一合資格投票之正式會員皆有一票表决權。

23. At any general meeting a resolution put to the vote shall be decided on a show of hands or by polling if so demanded by the chairman or by at least 5 Full Members present in person or by proxy.

Unless a poll be so demanded a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost and an entry to that effect in the book containing the minutes of proceedings of the Association shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.

23. 在任何會員大會中,决議案應採舉手表决方式决定,除非在舉手表决前或宣佈舉表决結果時,依下述規定要求投票方式表决:

(1) 經會議主席要求;或
(2) 少於五名出席及具備投票權的正式會員或其代表要求。


24. In the case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote.

24. 在表决議案時,如票數均等,會議主席有權投决定票。

25. No Full Member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting unless all monies presently payable by him to the Association have been paid.

25. 正式會員須清繳本會所有欠款方可成為合格投票之正式會員。

26. On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy on the proxy form prepared by the Association. Nevertheless, a Full Member shall vote at any general meeting for one qualified appointer by proxy.

26. 在以投票方式進行的表决中,正式會員可親自投票或以書面授權另一合格正式會員代表投票。惟一位正式會員得代表一位以書面授權的合格正式會員投票。
27. The proxy form shall be filled in writing under the hand of the appointer or his attorney duly authorized in writing, and shall be deposited at the registered office of the Association not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.

27. 授權代表投票的文書,須於會議或延會舉行前四十八小時,存放在本會的註冊辦事處,方為有效。而授權代表選舉的文書,須於幹事會幹事選舉大會舉行前二十四小時,存放在本會的註冊辦事處,方為有效。



28. Unless otherwise determined by the Association at the general meeting, the number of Members of Council shall be not less than 8 but not more than 13.

28. 除非由會員大會議訂, 幹事會幹事人數不得少於八人但不得超過十三人。

29. The first Members of Council of the Association shall be the following persons:-

29. 第一屆幹事會幹事如下:


Vice-President (External)

Vice-President (Internal)



Council Member

Council Member

Council Member

Council Member

Council Member

Council Member

Council Member

Council Member













30. The Council shall have the following officers, namely:-

30. 幹事會應有以下人員:

a. The President – who shall preside over all meetings of the Association and shall represent the Association in all external and internal affairs of the Association and to assist the other Members of Council in the carrying out or management of the Association and shall use his best endeavour to assist smooth transaction of his term of Council to the next term of Council.

a. 會長:對外為本會代表,對內領導幹事會轄下之各部門工作,綜理各項會務及主持各項會議;並盡力確保會務順利移交予下一屆幹事會。

b. The Internal Vice-President – who shall assist the President to handle the internal affairs and management of the Association and shall in the absence of the President act as President of the Council and shall perform all duties of the President.

b. 內務副會長:協助會長處理對內會務,於會長出缺時代其執行職權。

c. The External Vice-President – who shall assist the President to handle the external affairs of the Association and shall in absence of the President and the Internal Vice-President and shall perform all duties of the President

c. 外務副會長:協助會長處理對外會務,於會長及內務副會長出缺時代其執行職權。

d. The Secretary – who shall be responsible for all Chinese and English documents in respect of the Association and to keep proper records and minutes of all meetings of the Association.

d. 秘書:處理本會中、英文件之擬發;保管本會之檔案和整理會員大會、特別會員大會及幹事會之會議紀錄工作。

e. The Treasurer – who shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Association.

e. 司庫:主理本會財政收支事務,於每次幹事會常務會議向幹事會報告財政狀況,每年於會員大會提交經核數師審查後的財政報告,於會員大會通過。

f. And any other 8 office-bearer as the Council shall from time to time think fit.

f. 其他八位幹事可因應會務需要,擔任不同之職務。

g. The Council Advisors - The Renal Unit shall assign at least 1 but not more than 4 representatives, 1 Chaplain assigned by the Chaplaincy Department and 1 Social Worker assigned by the Rehabilitation Society to be the Advisors of the Council who shall have rights of audience in the Council meetings but shall have no voting rights in neither Council nor general meetings.

g. 顧問:雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院腎科可委派一至四名代表,院牧部可派出一名院牧,復康會可派出一名社工擔任本會之顧問。顧問可出席幹事會之任何會議,為推動會務,跟進牧養及謀求福提供寶貴意見。任期與當屆幹事會相同,惟不可擁有投票權。

h. Honorary President – The Council may nominate any person among the social elites the Council thinks fit to help further promote the Society as Honorary President who shall be approved by a resolution in the general meeting and shall have rights of audience in the Council meetings but shall have no voting rights in neither Council nor general meetings

h. 名譽會長:由幹事會就對推動本會會務將有重大貢獻之社會名流碩彥人士中提名出任名譽會長,並呈交會員大會通過聘任。任期由當屆幹事會决定,惟不可擁有投票權。

31. The term of Council shall be two years and all Members of Council shall retire from office in every alternate annual general meeting.

31. 幹事會幹事任期為兩年,任期屆滿後必須解散。

32. A retiring Members of Council shall be eligible for re-election. Nonetheless, the retiring President, both the Internal and External Vice-Chairmen, the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer who have served for two consecutive terms shall not be eligible to be re-elected as the said posts until the next election following the Annual General Meeting in which they retired.

32. 缷任幹事會幹事可競選連任一屆。惟會長、內務副會長、外務副會長、秘書及司庫五職位,不能連續擔任同一職位超過兩屆,須待下一屆選舉會員大會方可再次參選。

33. The Association at the general meeting at which a Member of Council retires in manner aforesaid may fill up the vacated office by electing a person thereto and in default the retiring Member of Council shall be deemed to have re-elected unless at such meeting is resolved not to fill up such vacated office.

Nomination for Council election shall be made on the nomination form prepared by the Association and shall be deposited at the registered office of the Association not less than 14 days before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which Member of Council election takes place.

Nominator should have got the nominee’s consent and one second from a Full Member of such nomination before making the nomination.

33. 除會員大會决議懸空外,會員大會可選出一名會員填補缷任幹事空缺。



34. Any causal vacancy occurring in the Council may be filled up by appointment of the current Council but the persons so chosen shall be subject to retirement at the same time as if he had become a Member of Council on the day on which the Member of Council in whose place he is appointed was last elected a Member of Council.

34. 任何幹事會幹事空缺皆可由幹事會委任會員填補,惟任期與幹事會相同,任期屆滿後必須解散。

35. The Association may by extraordinary resolution remove any Member of Council before the expiration of his period of office, and may by an ordinary resolution appoint another person in his stead. The person so appointed shall be subject to retirement at the same time as if he had become a Member of Council on the day on which the Member of Council in whose place he is appointed was last elected a Member of Council.

35. 當有會員對任何幹事或全體幹事會有不信任時,可依照本細則規定召開特別會員大會,進行罷免表决。




36. The Members of Council may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings, as they think fit but not less than once in quarterly. Questions arising at the meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In case of an equality of votes, the President shall have a casting vote. A Member of Council may and the Secretary on the request of a Member of Council shall at any time summon a Council meeting.

36. 幹事會每三個月舉行例會一次,如會長認為有需要時,可分派職務,中止及規範會議。任何議案須經出席者多數之同意,始得决議。在表决議案時,如票數均等,會長有權投决定票。任何幹會事幹事及秘書應幹事會幹事要求下,皆可召開幹會事會議。

37. The quorum necessary for the Council meeting shall be two-third of the total number of the Members of Council, but in the event where the Member of Council vacancies cause the number of the continuing Members of Council to reduce to below 8, the Council meeting of the continuing Members of Council may be convened for the purpose of increasing the number of Members of Council to that number, or to summoning a general meeting, but for no other purpose.

37. 幹事會會議法定人數為幹事會三分之二幹事。惟幹事空缺引致幹事會人數少於八人,則可召開特別會員大會,進行補選填補空缺,不得處理其他事務。

38. The Members of Council may in the absence of the President and both External and Internal Vice-Chairmen, elect a chairman for a Council meeting.

38. 會長、內務副會長及外務副會長同時出缺時,由各幹事互選出任主席主持會議。



39. The operation of the Association shall be managed by the Council who may pay all expenses incurred in incorporating the Association and in achieving the objects of the Association and may exercise all such powers of the Association as are not by the Ordinance, or by these articles, required to be exercised by the Association in general meetings, subject nevertheless to any regulation of the articles, to the provisions of the Ordinance, and to such regulations, being not inconsistent with the aforesaid regulations and provisions as may be prescribed by the Association in general meeting; but no regulation made by the Association in general meeting shall invalidate any prior act of the Members of Council which would have been valid if that regulation had not been made.

39. 本會的事務須由幹事管,幹事可支付本會的發起及註冊所招致的一開支。幹事可行使未為本條例或本章程細則所規定須由本會在大會上使的一,但須受本條或本章程細則的條文所規限,以及須受本會在大會上訂明並且與此等條文並無矛盾的任何規所規限;但本會在大會上所訂的任何規得使幹事在該規前所作的本屬有效的作為失效。

40. The functions of the Council shall be:-

40. 幹事會的職能應是:

a.     to formulate and decide the annual plan and budget of the Association;

a. 制定財政預算;

b.     to decide all the administrative and financial policies of the Association;

b. 决定所有行政及財務政策;

c.     to formulate the development programme of the Association;

c. 制定會務發展計劃;

d.     to decide the structure of the various functional sub-committees and appoint members of such sub-committees;

d. 設立不同之工作小組及委任幹事分掌推廣有關工作;

e.     subject to Clause 6 of the Memorandum of Association, to employ and supervise the staff of the Association and to decide their duties;

e. 根據本會組織章程大綱第六條規定,聘用及監督員工並擬定其職能;

f.      to sign all contracts on behalf of the Association;

f. 代表本會簽署合約文件;

g.     to appoint delegates to represent the Association;

g. 委任本會全權代表;

h.     to appoint Council advisors of the Association;

h. 委任本會顧問;

i.      to consider any other operation of the Association.

i. 主理本會一切運作。

41. The Members of Council shall cause minutes to be made in books provided for the purpose of:

41. 幹事會幹事保管及整理本會之會員大會、特別會員大會及幹事會之會議紀錄和檔案如下:

a. all appointments of officers made by the Members of Council;

a. 由幹事會幹事任命的所有工作人員。

b. the names of the Members of Council present at each meeting of the Council;

b. 每次幹事會會議出席幹事的姓名。

c. all resolutions and proceedings at all meetings of the Association and of the Members of Council.

c. 所有會員大會、特別會員大會及幹事會之會議議程及决議。

42. The Council may delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of such member or members as the Council thinks fit; and the committee so formed shall, in exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations that may be imposed by the Council.

42. 如幹事會認為有需要時,幹事會可將其任何權力,轉授予有一名或多名幹事作為成員的委員會。該委員會在行使權力時,須遵從執委會對該委員會的指示及規定。

43. Except as otherwise provided by these articles, the Council shall have absolute discretion in all matters concern and property of the Association.

43. 本會的管理事宜全部授權予幹事會,而幹事會應根據組織章程大綱來處理會務及會產。

44. Subject to Clause 6 of the Memorandum of Association, the Council may appoint any person or persons as servants of the Association from time to time at such remuneration and upon such conditions as it shall think fit, and any person appointed under the provisions of this article may be removed from office by resolution passed by the majority of the Members of Council present at a Council meeting.

44. 根據本會組織章程大綱第六條規定,幹事會認為有需要時,可不時委任事務員及擬定其酬金。幹事會並以大比數通過决議可解除其職務。

a. The members of the Council shall not vote on matters in which they are interested.

a.          倘若幹事會幹事在表决上有利益關係的性質,則應自動放棄投票。



45. The office of a member of Council shall be vacated, if such member:

45. 幹事如有下述情形,即須停任幹事職位:

a.     becomes bankrupt; or

a. 破產;或

b.     holds any office of profit under the Association; or

b. 成為本會受薪職員;或

c.     is found lunatic or becomes of unsound mind; or

c. 精神不健全;或

d.     deceased; or

d. 去世;或

e.     becomes incapable to discharge his/her duties as a member of Council due to his/her healthiness or sickness; or

e. 因健康或疾病而未能履行其幹事職務;或

f.      resigns his office by notice in writing to the Association; or

f. 按照《公司條例》第157D(3)(a)條以書面通知向本會辭去幹事職位;或

g.     is directly or indirectly interested in any contract (being a contract of significance in relation to the Association’s operations) with the Association and if his interest in the contract is material, fails to declare the nature of his interest in manner required by Section 162 of the Ordinance; or

g. 直接或間接在與本會所訂立的任何合約中有關鍵性利益關係,但未有以條例第162條所規定的方式宣布其利益關係的性質;或

h.     by giving no good reason (reason to be accepted by other Members of Council), being absent from Council Meetings for three consecutive times.

h. 未能給予幹事會幹事可接受的合理理由而連續缺席三次;或

i. being transferred from the Renal Unit of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital to Renal Unit of another Hospital for treatment.

i. 從雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院腎科轉到另一醫院腎科應診。



46. The Council shall provide for the safe custody of the seal of the Association which shall not be affixed to any instrument except authorized by a resolution of the Council and signed by one Member of Council approved by the Council in the presence of another Member of Council.

46. 印章由幹事會負責保管。使用該印章須經幹事會决議批准。每份須蓋上印章的文書,均須由一名幹事簽署,並由另一名幹事加簽。


47. Funds of the Association shall be applied only towards meeting the objects of the Association.

47. 本會的資金衹用作達成本會設立的宗旨。

48. In furtherance of the objects of the Association but not otherwise, the Council may exercise all the powers of the Association to borrow money, and to mortgage or charge its undertaking and property, or any part thereof, and to issue debentures, and other securities, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Association in a reasonable and prudent manner.

48. 幹事會可行使本會的一切借款權力,及可行使將會務及財產或其中的任何部分予以按揭或押記的一切權力,或以此作為本會的債項、債務或義務的保證作擔保。

49. Account shall be opened with such bank as the Council may direct under the signatures of at least 2 Members of Council to be determined by the Council’s resolution. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments, and all receipts for monies paid to the Association, shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the case may be, by (except in the case of receipts) at least 2 Members of Council to be determined by the Council and otherwise in such manner as the Association shall from time to time by resolution determine.

49. 開設銀行帳戶須由任何名經幹事會隨時授權之幹事共同簽署。而所有支票、期票、匯票、票據及其他可通或轉讓的票據(收據除外),須由任何名經幹事會隨時授權之幹事共同簽署、開票、承兌或背書方可生效。

50. All contracts entered into by the Association shall be signed by the President or, in his absence, the Internal Vice-President witnessed by another Member of Council.

50. 所有與本會簽定之合約須由會長簽署;當會長缺席時,則可由內務副會長代行簽署並由另一名幹事會幹事見証,方為有效。

51. The Members of Council shall not be responsible for any loss or liability properly incurred by them in the course of their duties in accordance with the power vested in them under these articles.

51. 幹事會幹事毋須為履行職務而負上任何損失及負債。

52. The management and control of money shall be vested in the Council and proper books and accounts shall be kept by the Honorary Treasurer.

52. 司庫須妥善備存本會一切收支款項及有關憑證。

53. The Council shall from time to time determine whether and to what extent and at what times and places and under what conditions or regulations the accounts and books of the Association or any of them shall be open to the inspection of members not being Member of Council, and no member (not being a Member of Council) shall have any right of inspecting any account or book or document of the Association except as conferred by statute or authorized by the Council or the Association in general meeting.

53. 幹事會須不時决定應否公開本會的帳目及簿冊或其中的任何一種以供非幹事會幹事查閱,及公開讓其查閱的範圍、時間、地點,以及根據何種條件或規例而公開讓其查閱;除非法例規定或獲得幹事會或會員大會批准外,任何非幹事會幹事的會員均無權查閱本會的任何帳目記錄。

54. The Members of Council shall from time to time in accordance with Sections 122, 124 and 129D of the Ordinance cause to be prepared and to be laid before the Association in general meeting such income and expenditure accounts, balance sheets, group accounts (if any) and reports as are referred to in those sections.

54. 幹事會須不時按照《公司條例》第122124129D條,安排擬備本會的損益表、資產負債表、組帳(如有的話)及報告書,並安排將其提交在會員大會上省覽。

55. A copy of balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) which is to be laid before the Association in general meeting, together with a copy of the Council’s report and a copy of the Audit’s report, shall not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting be sent to every member of, and every holder of debentures (if any) of, the Association; provided that this article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address the Association is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any debentures.

55. 提交本會在周年大會上省覽的每份資產負債表(包括法律規定附錄於表後的每份文件)的文本,連同幹事會報告書文本及核數師報告書文本,須於舉行周年大會前不少於十四 天,送交本會的每名會員。但本條並不規定該等文本須送交本會不獲悉地址的任何人,或送交有關的債權證的聯名持有人當中多於一名的持有人。



56. Auditors shall be appointed and their duties regulated in accordance with Sections 131, 132, 133, 140, 140A, 140B and 141 of the Ordinance.

56. 核數師的委任及其職責,須按照《公司條例》第131132133140140A140B141條的規定進行。



57. A notice may be given by the Association to any member either personally or by sending it by post or other electronic means to him or to his registered address, or (if he has no registered address within Hong Kong) to the address, if any, within Hong Kong supplied by him to the Association for the giving of the notice to him. Where a notice is given by post, service of the notice shall be deemed to be effected by properly addressing, prepaying and posting a letter containing the notice, and to have been effected in the case of a notice of a meeting at the expiration of 48 hours after the letter containing the same is posted, any in any other case at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.

57. 本會向任何會員發出的通知,可面交該會員,或以郵遞方式送交該會員或送交該會員的登記地址或(如該會員在香港沒有登記地址)送交該會員為使本會得以向其發出通知而向本會提供的香港地址(如有的話);凡藉郵遞送交的通知,如載有該通知的信件已恰當註明收件人地址、預付郵資及已經郵寄,即當作已完成該通知的送達。如屬會議通知書,則在載有該通知書的信件郵寄後四十八小時已屆滿之時,或如屬其他情況下發出的通知,則在按通常郵遞過程中該信件應已交付收件人之時,即當作已完成該通知的送達。

60. Notice of every general meeting shall be given in any manner hereinbefore authorized to:-

60. 會員大會的通知書,均須按上述所許可的任何方式送達下列人士:

a. every member except those members who (having no registered address within Hong Kong) have not supplied to the Association an address within Hong Kong for the giving of notices to them; and

a. 每名會員,但在香港沒有地址或沒有提供作接收通知書用途之香港地址的人士除外;

b. the auditors for the time being of the Association. No other person shall be entitled to receive notices of general meeting.

b. 除本會當其時的核數師外,其他人均無權收到會員大會通知書。

58. Every director, agent, auditor, secretary and other officer for the time being of the Association shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Association against any liability incurred by him in relation to the Association in defending any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, in which judgement is given in favour or in which he is acquitted or in connection with any application under Section 358 of the Ordinance in which is granted to him by court.

58. 每名代表會代表、幹事會幹事、核數師、秘書及其他高級人員,在獲判勝訴或獲判無罪的或藉任何根據《公司條例》第358條提出的申請而獲法院給予寬免的民事或刑事法律程序中進行辯護所招致的任何與本會有關的法律責任,均須從本會的資產中撥付彌償。



59. The Association shall be wound up voluntarily whenever a special resolution is passed by the general meeting requiring the Association to be so wound up.

59. 當本會清盤時,須經會員大會或特別會員大會决議通過。



60. The Members of Council may, from time to time by a resolution, appoint or remove a Company Secretary. Xxx Xxx Xxx (XXX) shall be the first secretary of the Company to hold office until the first meeting of the Council.

60. 幹事會可隨時通過决議委任或開除公司秘書。


Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers:




(The repetition of some former writing, or the statement of something which has been done. Recitals are used to explain those matters of fact which are necessary to make the transaction intelligible.



In response to Dr. YU Wai Yin, an advocate of the establishment of the Red Bean Society, who brought up his expectations of having the Red Bean Society registered as a corporation for the well being of renal patients; and of having the Red Bean Society operated as a social enterprise to provide employment opportunities for the renal patients in the tenth meeting held on 9th April 2011.





DATE: 30th April 2011 (Saturday)

TIME: 2:30 pm

VENUE: Conference Room, Renal Day Centre B3, AHNH

主席:高瑞芬 女士
CHAIR: Ms. KO Sui Fun


白壽增 先生
Mr. PAK Sau Tsang
李卓雄 先生
Mr. LEE Cheuk Hung
高瑞芬 女士
Ms. KO Sui Fun
莊小勉 先生
Mr. CHONG Siu Min, Simon
陸寶琼 女士 
Ms. LOK Pou Keng
戴泳廷 先生
Mr. TAI Wing Ting


王劍豪 先生 (社工)
Mr. WONG Kim Ho (Social Worker)
張麗晶 女士 (護士)
Ms. CHEUNG Lai Ching, Amy (Nurse)
雷海倫 女士 (院牧)
Ms. LEI Helen (Chaplain)
賴鶴明 博士 (顧問)
Dr. LAI Hok Ming (Advisor)

The Inception of the Preparatory Committee


In response to Dr. YU Wai Yin, an advocate of the establishment of the Red Bean Society, who brought up his expectations of having the Red Bean Society registered as a corporation for the well being of renal patients; and of having the Red Bean Society operated as a social enterprise to provide employment opportunities for the renal patients in the tenth meeting held on 9th April 2011. It was unanimously agreed on the motion that the Red Bean Society should be registered as a corporation. Six members were then elected as members of the Preparatory Committee to take up the task. The Preparatory Committee entrusted Dr LAI Hok Ming to draft relevant documents for registration. A representative from Nursing, Social Work Unit and Chaplaincy are welcome to attend all meetings.

1.  報告事項:

1.1 主席介紹及確實委員名單:
The Chair introduced and confirmed the appointment of Members:

白壽增 先生
Mr. PAK Sau Tsang
李卓雄 先生
Mr. LEE Cheuk Hung
高瑞芬 女士
Ms. KO Sui Fun
莊小勉 先生
Mr. CHONG Siu Min, Simon
陸寶琼 女士 
Ms. LOK Pou Keng
戴泳廷 先生
Mr. TAI Wing Ting

1.2 賴先生簡報草擬申請註冊文件事宜:

Mr. LAI briefed his progress towards drafting relevant documents for registration

1.2.1 賴先生按《公司條例》(32 ) 規定,草擬了兩份中、英文版本申請註冊文件:組織章程大綱及組織章程細則。賴先生準備以英文版本送交註冊,此舉可以加快註冊進度,而執行方面可以根據中文版本,依法則處理會務。如《會章》中、英文本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,一律以英文本為準。

In pursuant to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32), Mr. LAI drafted, in Chinese and English versions, two documents required for registration: Memorandum of Association and Article of Association. Mr. LAI intended to submit the English version for easier processing. The Council could base on Chinese version for easier understanding. If there be any ambiguity of the interpretation of English and Chinese, English would prevail.

1.2.2 賴先生經過查冊後,決定以「紅豆會有限公司」的名稱申請註冊。

Mr. LAI conducted name search in the Company Registry and decided to apply for registration in the name of Jelly Bean Society Limited.

1.2.3 賴先生按《公司條例》(32 ) 規定,選擇以「無股本的擔保有限公司」申請註冊。

In pursuant to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32), Mr. LAI considered to apply for registration as Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital.

1.2.4 賴先生按《稅務條例》(112章第88)規定,申請成為慈善團體,一方面可以名正言順容易籌募善款,另一方面可以豁免繳稅,令捐款涓滴歸公。

In pursuant to the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Chapter 32 Sect 88), Mr. LAI intended to apply for registration as a charitable body which would be exempt from tax. On one hand, it would be easier to procure contributions to the Association and to accept donations. On the other hand, it could relieve tax burden so that all monies could be deployed to promote the objects of the Association.

1.2.5 賴先生稱中、英文版本申請註冊文件:組織章程大綱及組織章程細則,初稿已定,還須各委員費神審閱,逐字推敲,增删潤飾。

Mr. LAI claimed that both Chinese and English versions of the documents needed for registration: Memorandum of Association and Article of Association were drafted. Members should spend time reading, improving and polishing them.

2. 商討事項:

2.1 賴先生引導各委員細閱各章節及解釋重點部分,讓各委員充分瞭解內容,以備下次開會時詳細討論。

Mr. LAI guided all Members to read through the documents and explained to Members the significant part of each section so that Members could critically assess the documents in the next meeting.

3. 動議事項:

3.1 主席動議邀請賴先生擔任籌委會顧問,全力協助本會註冊事宜,獲得賴先生首肯及全體委員一致通過。

The Chair made the motion that the Preparatory Committee should invite Mr. LAI to join the meeting as an Advisor to assist in the registration. It was unanimously agreed by all Members. Mr. LAI accepted the offer.

3.2 賴先生動議本籌委會一切會議記錄,張貼在佈告欄內,供全體會員閱覽,以增加籌備事宜透明度。獲得全體委員一致通過。

Mr. LAI made the motion that the Preparatory Committee should post minutes of all meetings on Notice Board for members’ perusal in order to increase the transparency of the preparatory matters. It was unanimously agreed by all Members.

3.3 賴先生動議本籌委會得在會員閱覽《會章》後,由會員大會通過,方可交有司申請註冊。

Mr. LAI made the motion that the Preparatory Committee should have members’ consent before submitting applications to appropriate Department for registration. It was unanimously agreed by all Members.

3. 其他事項:
Other business:


There being no other business. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm.

4. 下次開會日期:
Date of Next Meeting:

下次開會日期訂於21/05/2011() 2:30 pm B3腎科日間中心會議室。

The next meeting be held on 21/05/2011(Sat) at 2:30 pm in Conference Room, Renal Day Centre B3, AHNH

主席:高瑞芬 女士
CHAIR: Ms. KO Sui Fun



DATE: 21st May 2011 (Saturday)

TIME: 2:30 pm

VENUE: Conference Room, Renal Day Centre B3, AHNH

主席:高瑞芬 女士
CHAIR: Ms. KO Sui Fun


李卓雄 先生
Mr. LEE Cheuk Hung
高瑞芬 女士
Ms. KO Sui Fun
陸寶琼 女士 
Ms. LOK Pou Keng
戴泳廷 先生
Mr. TAI Wing Ting


白壽增 先生
Mr. PAK Sau Tsang
莊小勉 先生
Mr. CHONG Siu Min, Simon


王劍豪 先生 (社工)
Mr. WONG Kim Ho (Social Worker)
張麗晶 女士 (護士)
Ms. CHEUNG Lai Ching, Amy (Nurse)
雷海倫 女士 (院牧)
Ms. LEI Helen (Chaplain)
賴鶴明 博士 (顧問)
Dr. LAI Hok Ming (Advisor)


王秀蓉 女士 (護士)
Ms. WONG Flora (Ward Manager)
余惠賢 醫生
Dr. YU Wai Yin

1.  主席歡迎嘉賓余惠賢醫生及王秀蓉女士出席籌備委員會第二次會議。

The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming Dr. YU Wai Yin and Ms. Flora WONG.

2.  通過上次會議記錄。

    The minutes of last meeting was adopted.

3.  報告事項:


The Chair announced that the election of the first Members of Council of the Association would be held in the eleventh meeting on 11th June 2011.

4.  商討事項:

4.1  賴先邀請與會者對首份中、英文版本申請註冊文件初稿:組織章程大綱及組織章程細則發表意見,令條文更臻完善。

Mr. LAI solicited opinions from participants on the first draft of the documents: Memorandum of Association and Article of Association so as to excel them.

4.2 各委員、各代表及各嘉賓紛紛發表意見。

    Members, representatives and honourable guests expressed their opinions on the first draft of the documents.

4.2.1  各委員及各代表申請註冊文件之遣詞用字交換意見。

Members and representatives exchanged their views on the use of words.

4.2.2 余醫生及王姑娘向籌備委員會建議註冊文件中的應用醫學名詞。

      DR YU and Ms WONG advised the Preparatory Committee the proper use of medical terms through out the documents.

4.2.3 余醫生及王姑娘特別關注會員的權益,在「會員」、「會員之表決權」、「幹事會」及「幹事會幹事資格的取消」章節上發表意見,希望在註冊文件定稿中,清楚列明而得到全面保障。

      DR YU and Ms WONG were so concerned about the rights of members that they expressed their opinions on the sections of MEMBERSHIP, VOTES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL and DISQUALIFCATIONS OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL in the hope that the rights of members would be fully protected and clearly written in the final drafts.

4.3  各委員聽取建議及意見後,在賴先生引導下,加以討論及就其共識,載入相關章節中。

Having heard all advices and opinions, members, under the guidance of Mr. LAI, discussed their relevance and recorded their consensus in corresponding section.

5. 其他事項:
Other business:


There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.

6. 下次開會日期:
Date of Next Meeting:


To be confirmed.

主席:高瑞芬 女士
CHAIR: Ms. KO Sui Fun

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