2014年5月25日 星期日

Code of Conducts 紀律守則

Code of Conducts
For Council of



(1) The COUNCIL, of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY, is committed to manage the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY with integrity, honesty and fairness. The JELLY BEAN SOCIETY has thus passed a resolution that all its agents including members of the COUNCIL and the sub-committees and employees should observe this Code when conducting business for the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY.

Article 39. The functions of the Council shall be:-
a. to formulate and decide the annual plan and budget of the Association;
b. to decide all the administrative and financial policies of the Association;
c. to formulate the development programme of the Association;
d. to decide the structure of the various functional sub-committees and appoint members of such sub-committees;

Article 42. The Council may delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of such member or members as the Council thinks fit; and the committee so formed shall, in exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations that may be imposed by the Council.

1. 幹事會及轄下的管理委員會(管委會)致力以廉潔、誠實和公平的原則執行紅豆會管理工作。因此,幹事會決議通過,要求所有代理人,包括幹事、管委會及其轄下小組委員會所有成員及受聘僱員,均應在履行幹事會職務時遵守本《守則》。

1 根據組織章程細則第39條,幹事會的職能應是:
a. 制定財政預算;
b. 决定所有行政及財務政策;
c. 制定會務發展計劃;
d. 設立不同之工作小組及委任幹事分掌推廣有關工作;

2 根據組織章程細則第42條,當幹事會認為有需要時,幹事會可將其任何權力,轉授予有一名或多名幹事作為成員的委員會。該委員會在行使權力時,須遵從執委會對該委員會的指示及規定。

Prevention of Bribery Ordinance


(2) Any agent of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY soliciting or accepting an advantage in connection with his work for the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY without the permission of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY will commit an offence under Section 9(1) and the offeror of the advantage will commit an offence under Section 9(2) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (POBO) (Cap 201). The term “advantage”, as defined in the Ordinance includes money, gift, loan, fee, reward, employment, contract, service and favour but does not include entertainment which is the provision of food or drink for consumption on the occasion.

(2) 幹事會的任何代理人未經幹事會允許,索取或接受與其為幹事會所執行之工作有關的利益,即屬違反《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)第9(1)條規定,而提供利益者則違反第9(2)條規定。「利益」一詞在該《條例》中的定義,包括金錢、饋贈、貸款、費用、報酬、受僱工作、合約、服務、優待等,但不包括供當場享用的食物或飲品的款待。

(3) Any agent of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY using any false documents, records, accounts or receipts with the intent to deceive the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY will commit an offence under Section 9(3) of the POBO.

(3) 幹事會的任何代理人如以偽造的文件、紀錄、賬目或單據,意圖欺騙幹事會,即屬違反《防止賄賂條例》第9(3)條規定。

Acceptance of Advantage


(4) The JELLY BEAN SOCIETY has passed a resolution that agents of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY are not allowed to solicit or accept any advantage in relation to the business of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY, unless with the prior permission of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY in writing.

(4) 經幹事會決議通過,任何幹事會代理人於為幹事會履行職務時,除非事先得到幹事會書面批准,一概不得索取或收受任何利益。



(5) Although entertainment is not an advantage and is an acceptable form of social and business activity, agents of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY should avoid accepting lavish or frequent entertainment from business associates of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY so as not to put themselves in a position of obligation or affect their judgement. Excessive gambling and loans should also be avoided.

(5) 儘管款待並不屬利益,且是一般業務上可接受的社交活動,但幹事會的任何代理人應避免接受與幹事會有業務聯繫的人士所提供的奢華或頻密的款待,以免對該等款待的提供者欠下恩惠或影響其判斷。大額賭博及貸款亦應避免。

Conflict of Interest


(6) A conflict of interest arises when the private interest of an agent of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY competes or conflicts with the interest of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY. Private interest includes both the financial and personal interest of the agent and those of his connections. Connections include his family members, relatives and close personal friends.

(6) 當幹事會代理人的私人利益與幹事會利益互相抵觸或有所衝突時,便會出現利益衝突的情況。私人利益泛指代理人本身及與其相關的人士,包括其家人、親屬及私交友好的財務及個人利益。

(7) Agents of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY should avoid any situation which may lead to an actual or perceived conflict of interest and make a declaration to the COUNCIL or the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY when such a situation arises.

(7) 幹事會代理人應避免任何會導致或被認為會導致利益衝突的情況,並在發生此類情況時向管委會或幹事會作出申報。

Handling Confidential Information and Accounts


(8) Agents of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY should not disclose any confidential information of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY without authorization and should take the necessary measures to protect such information from being abused or misused.

(8) 幹事會代理人未經授權,不得披露幹事會的任何機密資料,並應採取足夠保密措施以防該等資料遭人濫用或誤用。

(9) Agents should ensure the documents, accounts and receipts submitted to the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY are true and accurate.

(9) 代理人必須確保提交予幹事會的文件、賬目及收據均真確無訛。

Compliance with Code of Conduct


(10) It is the responsibility of the agents of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY to understand and comply with this Code. The JELLY BEAN SOCIETY will ensure agents fully understand and observe the requirements and standards laid down in the Code.

(10) 幹事會代理人有責任理解及遵守本《守則》。幹事會亦會確保各代理人充份理解並遵守本《守則》所訂的規定及標準。

(11) Agents of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY who is in breach of the code of conduct may be dismissed or removed from office by resolution of the JELLY BEAN SOCIETY. In case of suspected corruption or other criminal offences, a report will be made to the ICAC or the appropriate authorities.

Article 45(g) is directly or indirectly interested in any contract (being a contract of significance in relation to the Association’s business) with the Association and if his interest in the contract is material, fails to declare the nature of his interest in manner required by Section 536, 537, 538, 542 of the Ordinance (Cap 622).

(11) 幹事會代理人如違反本《守則》,經幹事會決議,將予以罷免或解除職務。如有懷疑事件涉及貪污或其他刑事罪行,將會向廉署或有關部門舉報。

會章45(g) 直接或間接在與本會所訂立的任何合約中有關鍵性利益關係,但未有按照新《公司條例》622章第536, 537, 538, 542條款所規定的方式宣布其利益關係的性質。

(12) Any enquiries or complaints on possible breaches of this Code should be directed to the Chairman of the sub-committees or the President of the COUNCIL.

(12) 如對本《守則》有任何查詢或對違規行為有任何投訴,應向幹事會會長或管委會主席提出,以便作出跟進。


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